Thursday, June 6, 2019

Top 3 ways to improve your self-confidence

One of the key areas we need to develop/improve if we want to be successful or even just improving things in life is self-confidence. We live in a world where we’re told to play safe, told by the media that we’re not good enough, not as successful as this person and that person, and while it’s all a steaming pile of BS, we cannot help but feel like we’re not good enough. But, once we increase our level of self-confidence, we begin to feel better, act better and being better. So let’s look at my top 3 tips to increase your self-confidence.


Affirmations are statements we tell ourselves each and every day that helps us feel better and believe in ourselves. These work on our subconscious and over time, become part of our belief system. You see, our subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not. So, if you keep telling your subconscious something each day, it will begin to believe it’s true. Athletes use this to improve their training by visualising their game/activity over and over until they reach the point where they perform in the event and the mind already knows what to do. This is also true when you do affirmations each day.
There are a huge amount of affirmation suggestions out there on the tinterweb but here are a few suggestions to get you started.
  • I am confident and powerful
  • I choose today to be an amazing day
  • I am capable of anything I put my mind to

Walk Confidently

This one may sound like quite a simple tip but honestly, when you walk with confidence, you feel SO much more confident! If you look at people walking down the street, out shopping etc, how many are actually walking with confidence? I’d wager most aren’t. Keep your head up and eyes looking forward, imagine you have a cord attached to the top of your head and it’s keeping you standing tall. As well as changing your posture, stride instead of walk. When you begin to stride instead of walk normally, you feel powerful and confident.

Love yourself

If you don’t begin to love yourself, you’re not going to feel amazingly confident. When you truly begin to love yourself, it helps you to develop bulletproof self-confidence.
“But how I start loving myself” I hear you ask. Once simple, but powerful exercise you can do each day is stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself aloud “I love my……”, that thing could be anything either physically or part of your personality. So a couple of examples could be “I love my eyes”, “I love how I care for and help others” or “I love my smile”
I’d love to know how you get on with these tips, comment below and let me know.
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