Friday, October 5, 2018

The Visual Dictionary of The Human Being : The Human Being

The Visual Dictionary of Human Being lets you discover the structure of the human body and its constitutive organs, and have a look to equipment used to ensure everybody’s health and well-being. Convenient and affordable, this book is the best reference tool to explore all aspects of human beings!

Users may gain access to the contents of The Visual Dictionary in a variety of ways:

• From the TABLE OF CONTENTS at the end of the preliminary pages, the user can locate by title the section that is of interest.
• With the INDEX, the user can consult The Visual Dictionary from a word, so as to see what it corresponds to, or to verify accuracy by examining the illustration that depicts it.
• The most original aspect of The Visual Dictionary is the fact that the illustrations enable the user to find a word even if he or she only has a vague idea of what it is. The dictionary is unique in this feature, as consultation of any other dictionary requires the user first to know the word.


The Tissue

Medical Yukti

Medical Yukti







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