Friday, October 5, 2018

Lose A Dress Size In Just Two Weeks

If you have a party or family gathering coming up and you want to know how to drop a dress size, we have a specially-devised diet plan that can help you to drop a dress size in just five days!
This five day low-fat, low-calorie plan is nutrient packed, so you’ll be a dress-size smaller in less than a week! And don’t worry about going hungry, there’s a list of snacks to choose from too.

We all know that healthy eating works best when combined with exercise, so this two week plan teams energising meals and snacks with a fitness circuit you can do at home. If you follow both pieces of the plan, you’ll see results in as little as one week and a definitie change to the shape of your body in 14 days (translation: bye bye, dress size).
But first, some ground rules:
-To get the most out of the programme, drink plenty of water- aim for two litres per day
-To boost energy and mental alertness, limit caffeine intake to one or two drinks a day
-Eat breakfast, and never skip meals
– Make sure you get enough sleep- you will need it to properly power through your workouts.

Top tips on how to cut calories

You might think the best way to zap 350 calories from your daily diet is simply to skip a meal. Wrong. Your body actually burns up calories in digesting food, so the fewer meals you eat, the less of a chance it has to do that. Space your meals out throughout the day. 

Downsize your portions by approximately a fifth on everything except for fruit and vegetables. 

Eat mindfully. You can’t afford to ‘waste’ calories by eating mindlessly at the fridge, or straight from the saucepan. Make sure that you sit down to savor all your meals and snacks. 

Don’t scrimp on protein. Eat a portion of protein at lunchtime - equal to the amount of carbohydrate you eat - to help avoid an energy slump in the afternoon, which could have you heading for the vending machine! 
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper to fit in with the body’s natural metabolism which is primed in the morning and tails off during the day. 

Go easy on the mochas, flavored lattes and hot chocolates with cream on top! Stick to plain Americano coffee, tea or herbal tea for the next 2 weeks. 

Watch the booze. If you regularly drink your maximum recommended units (21 per week for women), then you are taking in more than 1,000 extra calories. Just one 440ml can of premium beer weighs in at 260 calories so opting for a soft drink instead over the next two weeks is a wise choice.
By following our 14-day action plan and our advice on resistance training and calorie cutting, you will hopefully be able to fit into that dress in time for your big event. But remember, this is only a short-term weight-loss plan. The best way to lose weight in the long term is to gradually increase your levels of physical activity and follow a balanced, healthy diet.

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