Monday, October 1, 2018

Medical Terminology Systems 7th Edition

As medical terminology educators, we face common challenges. First, we must present a vast amount of fairly complex information to students of various learning levels and abilities. Second, we need to impress upon them the importance of medical terminology as an essential tool of communication in the health-care industry. Finally, we must help them apply what they have learned to the “real world of medicine.”

Building on the success of the sixth edition, which received the prestigious McGuffey Longevity and Excellence Award from the Textbook Authors’ Association (TAA), Medical Terminology Systems: A Body Systems Approach, 7th edition, continues to live up to its well-established track record of presenting medical word-building principles based on competency-based curricula. Because of the pedagogical success of previous editions, the seventh edition continues its structural design as a textbook–workbook that complements all teaching formats, including traditional lecture, distance learning, and independent or self-paced study. 

The popular, basic features of the previous edition have been enhanced and expanded. The body systems chapters have been updated to include new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures as well as new pharmaceutical agents in current use. Many new, visually impressive, full-color illustrations have been added to this edition. Artwork throughout the book is specifically designed to present accurate and aesthetically pleasing representations of anatomical structures, disease conditions, and medical procedures. 

Illustrations augment course content in new and interesting ways and help make difficult concepts clear. Two new learning activities have been incorporated in each body-system chapter.


The Tissue

Medical Yukti

Medical Yukti







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