Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Human Embryology 8th Edition

This book was first published in 1976 and since then has been widely accepted as the leading textbook on Human Embryology. The secret of its long-standing popularity lies in its readability, concise and clear text, and a profusion of simple but informative illustrations. 

The book presents essential concepts in human development, intended for use of medical students during their study of Anatomy, Pathology, Development Biology and Paediatrics. Each chapter opens with Highlights, followed by descriptions of normal development of particular systems in a systematic manner and concludes with ‘Time-table’ of events of development.

Salient Features of the Eighth Edition

  • A new chapter entitled ‘Molecular Control of Development’ has been added.
  • The text of each chapter has been extensively revised and updated.
  • The book is laid out in a larger format with coloured text and all-coloured illustrations imparting a
  • completely ‘New Look’ to the book.
  • Many new illustrations have been added and earlier ones have been improved.
  • Major modifications in the following topics:
  • Interdependence of oocyte and follicular cells
  • Non-dysjunction during meiosis
  • Phases of menstrual cycle
  • Hormonal control of ovarian and uterine cycles
  • Use of stem cells in treatment of diseases
  • Neural crest derivatives
  • Development of the heart
  • Development of the kidney
  • Differentiation of genital organs
  • Development of the eye


The Tissue

Medical Yukti

Medical Yukti







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