Sunday, September 30, 2018

Psychiatry: An Illustrated Colour Text

This innovative resource provides a highly visual introduction to the basic principles and practice of psychiatry. Each topic is covered in a single two-page unit to make reference and study uncommonly easy and effective. Abundant full-colour line diagrams, clinical photographs, and MRI images demonstrate essential concepts at a glance.
  • Concise, double page spread permits rapid review of essential information
  • Wide range of colour clinical photographs, MRI scans and artwork schematics
  • Provides practical advice regarding patient care
  • Covers modern pharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders
  • Contains useful 'key point' boxes to highlight essential information
  • Expanded section on recent advances in psychopharmacology, particularly in the treatment of psychosis
  • Covers the new Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act
  • Discusses the increasing role of psychotherapy in psychiatric disturbance
  • Provides a useful summary of the DSM-IV classification alongside that of the ICD-10 to enable fast comparison between the two classification systems
  • Summarises recent changes in NICE guidelines
  • Includes a new section on eponymous psychiatric disorders e.g. de Clérambault's and Cotard's syndromes.


The Tissue

Medical Yukti

Medical Yukti







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