Saturday, September 22, 2018

Ghai Essential Pediatrics 8th Edition

Ghai Essential Pediatrics has been the subcontinent’s most widely trusted resource for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in pediatrics. With contributions from more than 30 national and international experts, the eighth edition is thoroughly revised to ensure that the reader has access to up-to-date information on the diagnosis and therapy. In this blog post, you will be able to download free PDF e-book copy of Ghai Essential Pediatrics 8th Edition PDF.
Continued emphasis on recognition and management of common pediatric conditions,Liberal use of algorithms integrating strategies for evaluation and management , Comprehensive tables highlighting important differential diagnoses and management, Thoroughly revised chapters on fluid and electrolyte disturbances, infections, diseases of gastrointestinal system, nutrition, malignancies, disorders of cardiovascular system and inborn errors of metabolism, Reorganized and revised chapters on immunization, newborn infants, disorders of kidney and urinary tract, rational drug therapy and medical procedures.
Presents fresh perspectives with multiple new contributing authors Accompanying CD provides resource of clinical photographs, radiographs and algorithms to enhance learning and also support teaching.


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Medical Yukti

Medical Yukti







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