Monday, September 24, 2018

Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis

This fourth edition of a text for an introductory course in kinesiology, Levangie (physical therapy, Sacred Heart University) and Norkin (physical therapy, Ohio University) have added new patient case studies and expanded call-out boxes to underscore key points. The art program is expanded to include b&w photos, radiographs, and scans, as well Striking an optimum, user-friendly balance between basic and more advanced content, this is the ideal text for your program's Kinesiology course. 
A clear and logical presentation of the basic theory of joint structure and muscle action provides the foundation necessary to understand both normal and pathologic functions. Full-color, well-referenced, up-to-date research and the liberal use of figures, examples, and tables make this the most comprehensive text on the market. An extensive new art program, including photographs, radiographs, and scans, enhances visual learning. 
Unique focus on normal structure and function rather than specific patient problems shows how deviations from normal may create or underlie dysfunction. Patient case studies at the beginning of each chapter and case applications throughout illustrate clinical relevance. Increased use of highlights and call-out boxes underscore key points and Continuing Exploration boxes highlight controversial topic. Evidence-based approaches used throughout.


The Tissue

Medical Yukti

Medical Yukti







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