Sunday, September 30, 2018

Examination Surgery: a guide to passing the fellowship examination in general surgery

This study guide addresses the most frequently encountered topics from the last 10 years of examinations. It helps surgical trainees organise their studies and optimise their performance in what is reputedly one of the most rigorous postgraduate exams.
The general surgery fellowship tests clinical wisdom, judgement, insight and safe practice, and Examination Surgery’s preparation material accurately reflects what you will encounter in the exam.
Arranged to mirror the exam’s individual components, Examination Surgery is divided into the following sections:
  • The written papers
  • Clinical viva voces
  • Surgical anatomy viva voce
  • Operative surgery viva voce
  • Pathophysiology and critical care and clinical reasoning viva voce
This Elsevier study guide is aimed at candidates preparing for the Fellowship Examination in General Surgery of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. It is, however, also relevant for candidates in the UK, Ireland, Canada, South Africa and Hong Kong, plus all general surgeons, surgical residents and medical students.
  • How to approach each exam
  • Most frequently encountered topics
  • Common questions and scenarios with ‘model answers’
  • Fellowship examination format and recommended technique
  • Proven study strategies


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