Friday, August 9, 2019

Obstetrical Emergencies and their Prevention

List of Obstetrical Emergencies and their Prevention

Health problems that pose a threat to the life of pregnant women and their fetus are referred to as obstetrical emergencies. It can occur at any time during pregnancy, labor, and or birth. When obstetrical emergencies occur, hospital care is needed; this is because there may be a need for expert intervention and long period stay at the clinic. In the event that you noticed that you and your fetus are in danger, make sure you get in touch with your doctor, midwife, or hospital for urgent care. Here we have a list of seven obstetrical emergencies and ways to prevent them.


This occurs when fertilized eggs implant itself in the fallopian tube instead of the normal place, which is the uterine wall. On the off chance that pregnancy is not terminated at an early stage, this could lead to rupture of the fallopian tube, leading to internal bleeding and potentially permanent infertility.

It can be prevented by reducing the number of sexual partners, using protection such as condoms during intercourse in other to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, and also it is good to avoid smoking before getting pregnant.


This is also referred to as placenta abruption. It occurs as a result of premature separation of the placenta from the uterus. This result in bleeding and contractions; in the event that 50% of the placenta is separated, the fetus and mother are in danger.

It can be prevented by avoiding all substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, medicines (except those that are prescribed by your doctors) and illegal drugs during pregnancy.


Placenta previa occurs when the placenta binds to the mouth of the uterus and partially or completely blocks the cervix. This condition can also be referred to as low-lying placenta. Placenta previa can lead to premature bleeding and possible bleeding after delivery.

It can be prevented by staying away from activities that can cause contractions such as having sex, douching, using tampons, or engaging in activities that can increase your risk of bleeding, such as running, squatting, and jumping among others.


This condition can lead to severe edema, and it can affect the function of the kidneys and liver. In the United States, it can affect about 5% of all pregnancies. In case it metamorphosis to eclampsia, eclampsia is potentially fatal for both mother and child.

This can be prevented by reducing salt intake, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Reducing the consumption of fried and junk food, regular exercises, avoid drinking alcohol, and avoid beverages containing caffeine.


This is the breaking of the amniotic fluid before the onset of contraction or labor. PROM is considered an emergency if the break occurs before thirty-seven weeks and results in significant leakage of amniotic fluid and infection of the amniotic sac. Staying away from cigarettes is one of the possible ways to prevent the occurrence of PROM.


This is the loss of a baby before 20 weeks of delivery. Miscarriage cannot be stopped when it starts. It is advisable to take good care of the abdomen while pregnant. Also staying away from the strenuous activity with a high risk of injury, healthy eating, manage stress is one of the ways to prevent miscarriage.


Cephalalgias can occur during the first trimester when the body experiences an increase in hormones and an increase in blood volume. These headaches can be exacerbated by stress, poor posture, or changes in vision. 

The best way to prevent the occurrence of headache is by avoiding tension, and this can be achieved by following the tips listed below

  • Maintain good posture
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Exercise
  • Eat well-balanced meals
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