Friday, August 9, 2019

Medical Emergencies and their Prevention

Top 7 of Preventable Medical Emergencies
Trips to the emergency room are always very expensive and, of course, almost always necessary. However, sometimes the diseases that force us to go to the ER are preventable, and it is up to us to implement the necessary measures to prevent them. Here are the 7 most important and preventable emergencies:
1) Myocardial Infarction
For most diseases, there are modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. In the case of cardiovascular pathologies such as myocardial infarction, the non-modifiable ones would be age and sex, while the modifiable ones would include weight, cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, hypertension, and diabetes.
Avoiding a heart attack is simple, just pay attention to those factors and start making changes in your life like eating healthier, losing weight, exercising at least 5 times a week for half an hour, avoiding smoking and controlling basal diseases you suffer.
2) Hypertensive Crisis
When our stress exceeds very high values, greater than 180/110, we speak of a hypertensive crisis. What often happens is a detachment from treatment, so the most important measure is that you remember to consume your pills properly and take your blood pressure relatively often. If you think your medication no longer has the same effect (which is possible), see your doctor.
3) Stroke
The causes of stroke are many, so preventing it can be difficult, however, they are usually related to cardiovascular pathologies. The safest thing you can do to avoid a cerebral vascular disease is to keep cardiovascular risk factors under control. Also, if you have any cardiac arrhythmia (such as atrial fibrillation), you should remember to take the necessary medications to prevent your condition from spiraling out of control.
4) Cholecystitis
The gallbladder is an organ close to your liver that secretes enzymes needed for digestion. When it becomes inflamed (usually due to the presence of a gallstone) and is accompanied by fever and permanent pain, surgery is the only solution. To avoid this, it is necessary to moderate your fat intake and reduce it to a minimum, especially if you are a woman, over forty years old and overweight.
5) Renal Colic
The pain of renal colic is only compared to childbirth, according to the pain scales. Usually, it is due to the impaction of a kidney stone in the urinary tract. There are many types, but the ideal way to prevent it is to reduce the consumption of foods with oxalates (such as meat) and those with calcium (cheese, milk, etc.). In addition, you may use substances that help clean your urinary system relatively frequently.
6) Pulmonary Embolism
It is often a thrombus (a small formation of platelets and cellular debris) that travels from the deep veins of our legs to the lung. An important risk factor is varicose veins. You should always keep doing low-impact exercise (walking) to avoid this pathology, as well as attend your annual medical check-ups to verify that your coagulation values are not altered.
7) Diabetic Complications
Depending on whether you are Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic, two major complications can occur hyperosmolar syndrome or diabetic ketoacidosis. In both cases, the glycemia rises well above normal, causing very serious alterations. The most important thing is that you remain attached to your treatment if you are diabetic, especially non-pharmacological measures; this will prevent you from reaching a fatal complication.

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