Friday, April 27, 2018

BD Human Anatomy - Upper Limb & Thorax (Volume 1)

In July 1996, I had gone to the office of CBS Publishers and Distributors to hand over the manuscript of the third edition of our Textbook of Histology, when Mr SK Jain, Managing Director of CBS, requested me to shoulder the responsibility of editing the three volumes of their extremely popular book BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, the third edition of which was earlier edited by respected Prof. Inderbir Singh. This was a ‘God given gift’ which I accepted with great gratitude. This had also been the wishful thinking of my son, now a nephrologist in the US.

The three volumes of the fourth edition of this book are extremely student-friendly. All out efforts have been made to bring them closer to their hearts through serious and subtle efforts. Various ways were thought of, which I discussed with my colleagues and students, and have been incorporated in these volumes.

One significant method suggested was to add ‘practical skills’ so that these volumes encompass theoretical, practical and clinical aspects of various parts of human body in a functional manner. The paragraphs describing human dissection, printed with blue background, provide necessary instructions for dissection. These entail identifying structures deeper to skin which need to be cut and separated to visualise the anatomic details of various structures.
Dissection means patiently clearing off the fat and fasciae around nerves, blood vessels, muscles, viscera, etc. 

so that their course, branches and relations are appreciated. This provides the photogenic memory for the ‘doctor-in-making’. First year of MBBS course is the only time in life when one can dissect at ease, although it is too early a period to appreciate its value. Good surgeons always refresh their anatomical knowledge before they go to the operation theatre.

Essential part of the text and some diagrams from the first edition have been incorporated glorifying the real author and artist in BD Chaurasia. A number of diagrams on ossification, surface marking, muscle testing, in addition to radiographs, have been added.


The Tissue

Medical Yukti

Medical Yukti







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