Wednesday, June 9, 2021

+20 Free Pediatrics Books [PDF]


+20 Free Pediatrics Books [PDF]

BY medical yukti

In order to continue adding to our virtual library, we have created a collection of pediatrics books in PDF format, where our readers will be able to research this branch of medicine with a great mission for the global society. Childhood and adolescence are two extremely important, delicate and complex stages of life. Treating any type of problem or condition in both requires a high ethical sense and a great vocation of service.

In our books on pediatrics you will find a lot of important content about this branch of medicine. Pediatrics began to be considered as a medical specialty in the Renaissance period. Until then, the care of children was considered the task of mothers, nannies and midwives, as the case may be. It can be said that as a scientific discipline it is relatively new, since it was not until the 19th century that it was assumed as such and became autonomous.

Pediatrics is the medical specialty that studies the development of children up to adolescence. Children are treated medically in a very different way than adults, since childhood is a stage of constant change and evolution, biologically and psychologically speaking.

It encompasses all medical specialties, as long as they are in the pediatric field. The classification of pediatric specialties is made by systems, organs, age, nature of the process, technology, technical procedures, severity of the disease and social or psychiatric aspects.

Pediatrics has a high social relevance and is internationally recognized as one of the most essential medical specialties for societies. If you are interested in researching this topic, either on your own or as part of your curriculum, do not hesitate to review our compendium of more than 20 pediatrics books in PDF format.


Here we present our complete selection of Pediatrics books:

1) Paediatric Protocols

Autor: Hussain Imam Hj Muhammad Ismail, Hishamshah Mohd Ibrahim, Ng Hoong Phak

Fuente: The Malaysian Paediatric Association:

2) Case Based Pediatrics For Medical Students and Residents

Autor: Loren G. Yamamoto,Alson S. Inaba, Jeffrey K. Okamoto

Fuente: University of Hawaii System

3) Introduction to Pediatrics

Autor: Yerevan State Medical University

Fuente: Yerevan State Medical University

4) EAU Guidelines on Paediatric Urology

Autor: C. Radmayr, G. Bogaert, H.S. Dogan

Fuente: European Association of Urology

5) Standard Treatment Guidelines Pediatrics & Pediatric Surgery

Autor: Dr Ashley J D’cruz, Narayana Hurdayalaya

Fuente: The Clinical Establishments

6) MacPeds Pediatric Survival Guide

Autor: Dr. Bojana Babic

Fuente: McMaster University

7) Pediatric Survival Guide

Autor: McMaster University

Fuente: McMaster University

8) High Yield Pediatrics

Autor: Emma Holliday Ramahi

Fuente: StudyBuddyMD

9) Common Pediatric Conditions

Autor: Monalisa Parrnaik, Anurupa Senapati and Vinai Kumar


10) Basic Paediatric Protocols

Autor: Dr. Nicholas Muraguri

Fuente: Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya

11) Pediatrics 101

Autor: American Academy of Pediatrics

Fuente: American Academy of Pediatrics


12) A Preschool Nutrition Primer for RDs (Presentation)

Autor: NutriSTEP

Fuente: NutriSTEP

13) General Clinical Pharmacology Considerations for Pediatric Studies for Drugs and Biological Products

Autor: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Fuente: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

14) Nutritional Needs of Infants

Autor: WIC Works

Fuente: WIC Works

15) Pediatric Prevention and Health Maintenance

Autor: First Nations and Inuit Health Branch

Fuente: First Nations and Inuit Health Branch

16) Pediatric Nutrition Guidelines

Autor: Province of British Columbia

Fuente: Province of British Columbia

17) Pediatric Outpatient Handbook

Autor: University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences

Fuente: University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences

18) Guidance: Paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19 (Article)

Autor: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Fuente: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

19) Policy on Early Childhood Caries (ECC): Classifications,Consequences, and Preventive Strategies (Article)

Autor: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Fuente: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

20) Pediatric Pocket Reference Card (Article)

Autor: University of California, San Francisco

Fuente: University of California, San Francisco

21) Pediatric Vital Signs Reference Chart (Article)

Autor: Dr. Chris Novak & Dr. Peter Gill

Fuente: PedsCases

22) Pediatric Clerkship

Autor: Seattle Children’s, UW Medicine

Fuente: UW Homepage

Here ends our selection of free Pediatrics books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Remember that “Sharing is Caring”.

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