Sunday, May 5, 2019

Medical Questions and Answers

  1. First Menses is called.....

A Menopause

B  Menarche

C  Constipation

D  Menstruation

  1. Monthly discharge of blood and cell debris from Vagina is called?

A Ovulation

B Secretion

C abortion

D Menstruation

  1. First milk produced by mother after childbirth is called ?

A Colostrum

B Clotridium

C Scrotum

D Purperium

  1. All these are symptoms of pregnancy except

A Vomiting

B unconscious sleeping

C sexual urge

D several spitting

E tiredness /weakness

  1. One of the major causes of hemophilia is lack of ------

A fibrinogen

B amylase

C red blood capsule

D white blood capsule

  1. The term "stat" means ?

A give immediately

B At night

C Twice a day

D Thrice a day

  1. When 4 fetus develops in uterus it is known as?

A Quadruplets pregnancy

B Quintuplets pregnancy

C Sextupletes pregnancy

D Pantuplets pregnancy

  1. What is menopause?

A a period where a woman stop bearing children.

B a period a woman start bearing children.

C a period of sexual intercose

D a period of masturbation

  1. Haemodialysis means cleaning of_____?

A Urine

B Blood

C Glomerular filtrate

D Coelomic fluid

10  .Inflammation of the fallopian tube is called ?

A Orchitis

B Salpingitis

C oophoritis

D hyperbolic

11  The painful and Abdominal cramps during menstrual cycle is term as...

A. Amenorrhea

B. Menorrhagia

C. Dysmenorrhea

D. Metrorhgia.

    12 A scientist or physician whose specialty is osteology is called

       A Dermatologist

       B Osteologist

       C Neurologist

        D Gerontologist

     13 Study of skin is termed as.......

A dermatology

B Osteology
C neurology

        D gerontology

   14  Pregnancy period is -- days

A 200

B 280

C 300

D 270

15   The causative agent of poliomyelitis is --------
A fungus

B virus

C bacterium

D protozoan

16     A man X working in a swamp did not eat any of food nor drink any water. Which of these diseases can he not contract?

A Cholera

B Bilharzia

C Sleeping sickness

D River blindness

17     The hepatic portal vein is unique because it -----

A carries deoxygenated blood

B begins and ends with capillaries

C is the largest vein in mammals

D carries digested food

18     The thoracic vertebrae of a mammal is characterized by the------

A vertebraterial canal

B prominent neural arch

C prominent neural spin

D prominent centrum

19     A tissue which connect a muscle to the bone is ----

A cartilage

B muscle fibre

C tendon

D ligament

20     An instrument used in measuring the speed of wind is-----

A barometer

B wind guage

C wind vane

D anemometer


1B 2D 3A 4C 5A 6A 7A 8A 9B 10B 11C 12B 13A 14B 15B 16A 17B 18C 19C 20D

21     Kwashiorkor is caused by severe deficiency of------

A water

B oil

C proteins

D sugars

22     Which vertebra has a projection called odontoid process?

A Atlas

B Axis

C Thoracic

D Lumbar

23     The hereditary material of the cell is---


C Protein

D carbohydrates

24     Interveinal chlorosis is normally associated with the deficiency of--------

A iron

B potassium

C calcium

D magnesium

25     Blood in urine is called____?

A Unuria

B Hematuria

C Polyuria

D Glycosuria

26     Removal of tissue for examination from living body?

A Biopsy

B Autopsy

C incision

D Drainage

27     Which of these chromosome is for female ?





28     Urine that has glucose in it, is usually an indication of

A Diabetes mellitus

B Bacterial infection

C Muscle atropy

D Acidosis

29     How many percentage of the coding DNA have in genome

A 0.1

B 0.25

C 0.02

D 0.04

30     Another name for high pulse rate is ___?

A Hypertension

B Bradchycadiac

C Tachycardia

D Pericardium

E None of the above

31     Which part of the Tongue tastes Sweet?

A Sides

B Back

C Front

D Inside

32     Which of this is a disease of the liver?

A Hepatitis

B  Nephritis

C Diuresis

D Oedema

33     Peristalsis occurs in ....?

A Oesophagus

B Stomach

C Intestine

D All of the above

34     Nephron is structural and functional unit of .....?

A heart

B liver

C kidney

D None of these

35     Cardiology is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the......

A.   Heart

B.   Liver

C.   Blood

D. None of the above

36     The PH of blood is -

A 7.4

B 7.7

C 7.3

D 7.2

37     The number of bones on human face is   

A 14

B 12

C 15

D 5

38     The pathogen of the typhoid is directly transmitted through...

A urine

B water

C blood

D cerebrospinal fluid

39     Diabetes Insipidus is a deficiency of what hormone?

A Atrial Natriuretic Peptide

B Vasopressin

C Aldosterone

D Insulin

40     The number of bones in human Skull is -

A 22

B 55

C 34

D 10


21D 22B 23B 24D 25B 26A 27B 28A 29B 30A 31C 32B 33D 34C 35A 36A 37A 38B 39B 40A

41     Which gland in the human body is called as Master gland?

A Pituitary gland

B Bulbourethal gland

C Thyroid gland

D Liver

42     Excessive eating can lead to....

A diabetes

B obesity

C convulsion

D ulcer

43 the study of body structure

A pharmacology

B physiology

C philosophy

D anatomy

44     ________controls the activity of other endocrine glands?

A pineal gland

B pituitary gland

C thymus
D None

45     The largest artery in the human body is ---

A Aorta

B Capillary

C Brain

D Skin

46     The number of bones in Chest is-----

A 25

B 42

C 12

D 24

47     The number of bones in human foot is-----

A 22

B 14

C 33

D 10

48     The largest gland in the human body is-----

        A Liver

B Skin

C Tongue

D Nose

49     The pulse rate in one minute is-------

A 72 times

B 56 times

C 20 times

D 69 times

50     The largest endocrine gland is--------

A Thyroid

B Pituitary

C Adrenal

D parathyroid

51     The longest cell in human body is-------
A Nerve cell

B Brain

C Skull cell

D Neck cell

52     The number of bones in Arms is-----

A 6

B 2

C 3

D 5

53     How many chambers does the "Heart" Posses?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

54     Ultrafiltration in the kidney takes place in the ----

A renal vein

B medulla

C loop of henle

D bowman’s capsule

55     sphygmomanometer is use for taking....?

A Blood pressure

B Pulse

C Respiration

D Body temperature

56     Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in________?

A night blindness

B rickets

C scurvy

D hair fall

57     The organ that supplies nutrient to the foetus and also plays a protective role is

A Cervix

B Uterus

C Placenta

D Sperm

58     The largest part of brain is------

A  Cerebrum

B Cerebellum

C Medulla oblongata

D Hypothalamus

59     The total number of chromosomes in human cell is-----

A 46

B 23

C 22

D 44

60     When 5 fetus develops in uterus it is known as?

A Quadruplets pregnancy

B Quintuplets pregnancy

C Sextupletes pregnancy

D Pantuplets pregnancy


41A 42B 43D 44B 45A 46A 47C 48A 49A 59A 51A 52A 53D 54D 55A 56B 57C 58A 59A 60B

61     Bile is produce in one of this ?

A liver

B kidney

C pancrea

D gall bladder

62     The medical name for bad breath is------

A restoration
B obturosis

C pulpitis
D halitosis

63     Largest organ in human body is-------

A skin

B liver

C stomach

D tongue

64     Which of these is not a symptom of snakebite?

A Pain

B Dizziness /Fainting

C Difficulty in breathing

D Deformity

65     ----- is a fight and flight hormone

A Insulin

B Adrenalin

C Thyroxin

D Oxytocin

66     The movement of food from mouth down to stomach is called __

A Peristalsis

B Dilation

C chime

D cell

67     Which organ is affected rapidly from alcohol?

A Brain

B liver

C Lung

D heart

E kidney

68     Cardiac muscle are muscle of

A lung

B liver

C heart

D kidney

69     Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is

A 5-6 liters

B 3-4 liters

C 8-10 liters

D 10-12 liters

70     Fexet used for............

A constipation

B Diabetic

C Allergic

D Joint disease

Answer: C

71     Which of these is NOT a component of blood?

A bile

B erythrocyte

C leucocyte

D plasma

72     How many kidneys does a man have?

A 1

B 3

C 5

D 2

73     Human body contain ______ percent of water?

A 60

B 70

C 75

D 80

74     Tissue that stores fat in our body is....?

A adipose tissue

B connective tissue

C all tissue

D none

75     Which of the following glands secrete tears?

A Lachrymal

B Pituitary

C Thyroid

D Pancreas

76     Medical term for "Bleeding " is

A hemorrhoid

B hemorrhage
C hemoptysis

D hematemesis

77     The skin is a

A gland

B organ

C tissue

D system

78     Gingivitis is inflammation of

A Gum

B palate

C Tooth

D Tunge

79     Which of this is not a disease of the kidney?

A Hepatitis

B Nephritis

C Diuresis

D Oedema

80     What is the total litre of water in the human body?

A 30L

B 40L

C 50L

D 60L


61A 62D 63A 64D 65B 66A 67A 68C 69A 70C 71A 72D 73C 74A 75A 76B 77B 78A 79A 80D

81     Hypotension means-------?

A High blood pressure

B Low blood pressure

C Normal blood pressure

D No option

82     The number of bones in hand is-----

A 27

B 6

C 3

D 9

83     Number of muscles in the human arm is-----

A 72

B 56

C 90

D 24

84     Dehydration means loss of..?

A Water

B Blood

C Plasma

D Glucose

85     Scurvy disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin

A B complex




86     Number of bones in each human ear is----

A 3

B 5

C 7

D 9

87     Deficiency of red blood cell in the human body is called....?

A  Malaria

B Pneumonia

C Anemia
D Fever

88     The branch of medicine that deals with the function and diseases of the kidney is

A Cardiology

B  Nephrology

C Pulmonology

D Herpetology

89     When 6 fetus develops in uterus it is known as?

A Quadruplets pregnancy

B Quintuplets pregnancy

C Sextupletes pregnancy

D Pantuplets pregnancy

90     The thinnest bone in the human body is....

A Stapes

B Malleus

C Incus

D  Fibula

91     Dermatologist means----- ?
A Eye specialist

B Brain Specialist

C Skin specialist

D Heart specialist

92     What is +Rh in blood?

A Antibody

B Antigen

C Gene

D Hormone in body

93     Which of these is hereditary units or basic units of inheritance?

A chromosomes

B gamete

C zygote

D genes

94     Salivary glands are located in?

A  Neck

B Mouth

C Brain

D Abdomen

95 What is Pneumonia?

A a lung Infection

B a severe chest cold

C advanced bronchitis

D an unusual result of hepatitis

96     Which of these is the largest bone in the human body?

A humorous

B ulna

C femur

D tibia

97     Doctor who specialize on childbirth is called ?

A Obstetrician

B Dermatologist

C  Oncologist

D Cytologist

98     A scientist who studies the physical characteristics of chromosomes is

A Obstetrician

B Dermatologist
C  Oncologist

D Cytologist

99     Pharmacology is the study of....

A bones

B lungs

C heart

D drugs

100   The number of bones in human body is---

A 206

B 200

C 59

D 300


81A 82A 83A 84A 85C 86A 87C 88B 89C 90A 91C 92A 93D 94B 95A 96 A 96C 97A 98D 90D 1OOA

101   If a dark-skinned woman (Bb) marries an albino man (bb) and they have four children, how many of the children will be dark-skinned?

A 3

B 2

C 1

D 0

102   The appendicular skeleton is made up of the ---------

A limbs

B skull and limbs

C girdles and limbs

D ulna and radius

103   Blood has..........% of water

A 45%

B 55%

C 75%

D 90%

104   Which vitamin help's blood clotting?

A Vitamin K

B Vitamin A

C Vitamin C

D Vitamin B

105   Which two of these components of the blood are involved in blood clotting?

A platelets and white blood cells.

B platelets and fibrinogen.

C antibodies and fibrinogen.

D Antigen and whiteblood cells.

106   Number of milk teeth in baby is---------

A 20

B 50

C 42

D 12

107   An abnormally high concentration of sodium (or salt) in blood plasma is referred to as

A Hyperthermia

B Hypertension

C Hypernatremia

D Hyperglycemia

108   -- is an unusually high concentration of sugar in the blood

A Hyperthermia

B Hypertension

C Hypernatremia

D Hyperglycemia

109   ---- is the condition of having an abnormally high body temperature caused by a failure of the heat-regulating mechanisms of the body to deal with the heat coming from the environment.

A Hyperthermia

B Hypertension

C Hypernatremia

D Hyperglycemia

110   Human beings require vitamins in their diet because vitamins

A contain carbohydrates and fat

B prevent kwashiorkor

C digest protein I'm the body

D influence many important chemical processes in the body

111   The join between the atlas and the axis vertebrae all for ----?

A rotatory movements only

B slight movements

C Up and down or nodding movement only.

D rotatory and nodding movements

112   The conversion of excess amino acid into urea occur in the ----?

A kidney

B liver

C spleen

D bile

113   Which of the following parts of the mammalian body is most closely associated with the production of urine?

A Malpighian capsule

B Unrinary bladder

C Ureter

D Vas deferens

114   Biconcave lenses are used in the correction of eye defect called?

A myopia

B colour blindness

C hypermetropia

D old age

115   If a baby is a female, her mother's ovum must have been fertilized by a sperm carrying the chromosome





116   Which of these diseases cannot be be controlled by killing the vectors?

A River blindness

B Malaria

C Polio

D Cholera

117   Which of the following is not an excretory product?

A Urine

B Sweat

C Faeces

D Salts

118   One of the following statements is not true about viruses

A They are microorganisms

B They are smaller than bacteria

C They can be seen with ordinary light microscope

D They cause polio and smallpox

119   The hepatic portal via on is characterized by

A beginning and ending with capillaries

B connecting the liver and the kidney
C having no capillaries

D carrying deoxygenated blood

120   The blood blood vessels which carries digested food from the small intestine to the liver is used he ---------

A renal vein

B renal artery

C hepatic artery

D hepatic portal vein


101B 102C 103C 104 A 104A 106A 107C 108D 109A 110D 111D 112B 113A 114A 115A 116D 117C 118C 119A 120D

121   Identical twins are produced under one of the following conditions:

A Two ova fertilized at the same time by two sperms

B One ovum fertilized, divides to give two embryos

C One ovum fertilized, twins formed shortly before birth.

D One ovum fertilized by two sperms

122   Which of the following is not an excretory organ?

A Lungs

B Kidney

C Large intestine

D Skin

123   When the ciliary muscle of the eye contracts, the eyen lens-----

A bulges

B contracts

C rotates

D flattens

E is rounded

124   The organs through which food and oxygen are supplied to the human embryo and which also prevents harmful materials from reaching the embryo is the-----

A amnion

B uterus

C placenta

D umbilical cord

E fallopian tube

125   Which of the following hormones is produced during fright or when agitated?

A insulin

B progesterone

C adrenaline

D thyroxine

126   Menstrual cycle repeats after every

A 22days

B 20days

C 28days

D 30days

127   Bleeding in the ear is call.

A otorrhea

B epistaxis

C Hemoptysis

D Hematuria

 128  Which glands are located on top of the kidneys?

A Adrenal glands

B Parathyroid

C Gonads

D Pituitary glands

129   Which of the following pelvis is considered a female pelvis.

A Gynecoid pelvis

B Android pelvis

C Anthry pelvis

D Platypeloid pelvis

130   Cholecystitis is an inflammation of......?

A urinary bladder

B gallbladder

C skin

D eye

131   A diseases can transmitted from animals to man is call......?

A Pathogenicity

B Incidence

C Sporadic

D Zoonosis

132   what is the full meaning of UTI ?

A urethera tract infection

B uper tract infection

C urinary tract infection

D ulna tract infection

133   Another name for Sythomiasis is------?

A billiazia

B plasmodium

C widal


134   Duration of the Cardiac cycle

A 0.9 Seconds

B 0.6 Seconds

C 0.8 Seconds

D 0.3 Seconds

135   What is the name of a cell found in a kidney?

        A Nephrone

        B lysine

C Sytine

        D Skin

136   Beri-Beri is caused by the deficiency of ____?

A Vitamin B

B Vitamin D

C Vitamin C

D Vitamin E

137   Which one of the followings is a water borne disease?

A Tuberculosis

B Malaria

C Cholera.

D Chicken pox

138   The organ responsible for detoxification and deamination

A liver

B kidney

C brain

D heart

139   What is the anorexia?

A loss of apetite,

B loss of hemoglobin,

C loss of hair,

D all of the above

140   ---- is branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of nervous system.

A dermatology
B Osteology

C neurology

D gerontology


121B 122C 123C 124C 125C 126C 127A 128A 129B 130B 131D 132C 133A 134C 135A 136B 137C 138A 139A 140C

141   The covering of Heart is......?

a Pericardium

b Periosteum

c Peritoneum

d Perichondrium

142   The destruction of red blood cells, and subsequent release of hemoglobin, at the normal end of the cell's life is called

A Leukemia

B Thrombosis

C Haemophilia

D Hemolysis

143   what the medical term for mouth odour?

A halitosis

B stridor

C weaning

D skin

144   Which hormone works on collecting duct of nephron?





145   Inflammation of the heart is called?

A Carditis

B Cystitis

C Sinusitis

D Genetic

146   B.C.G vaccine is use to prevent which disease?

A Measles

B Tuberculosis

C Diphtheria

D Tetanus

147   Blood is made up of solid and liquid components, the liquid part is known as?

A plasma

B platelets

C white blood cell

D red blood cell

148   All th following are type of malaria except?

A Plasmodium Vivax

B Palsmodium Ovale

C Plasmodium Ovule

D Plasmodium Malariea

149   Which of the following is not a type of fingerprint?

A Whorl

B Simple

C Loop

D Compound

150     The haploid number of chromosomes in man is---------?

A 48

B 46

C 23

D 24


141A 142D 143A 144B 145A 146B 147A 148C 149D 150C

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