Thursday, January 27, 2022

Ribosome Facts

Ribosome Facts

Ribosomes are the cellular organelles that carry out protein synthesis, through a process called translation . They are found in both prokaryotesand eukaryotes , these molecular machines are responsible for accurately translating the linear genetic code, via the messenger RNA, into a linear sequence of amino acids to produce a protein. 

All cells contain ribosomes because growth requires the continued synthesis of new proteins. Ribosomes are like tiny factories in the cell. They make proteins that perform all sorts of functions for the cell's operation. 

Ribosomes are either located in the liquid inside the cell called the cytoplasm or attached to the membrane. They can be found in both prokaryote (bacteria) and eukaryote (animals and plants) cells. 

 Ribosomes are a type of organelle. Organelles are structures that perform specific functions for the cell. The ribosome's job is to make proteins. Other organelles include the nucleus and the mitochondria.

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